Friday, January 30, 2009

Times, how they change!

The world is in one hell of a condition isn't it? I don't know whether to revel in the chaos or to cower in fear! The basic problem is this: We let this happen! It's staggering to think that we as a collective would let things get out of hand the way we did! However, none of it even matters.

What truly matters is that we are here now and if we want things to change we should probably get going on it! Dear reader, I don't plan on changing the world through my horrible grammar and even worse spelling. I instead plan on changing the world by changing your world views. If that last sentence made any sense to you, then your in the same head space I am.

I was listening to the news recently, (CBC is probably my all time favorite radio station), and I heard something that chilled me to the bone! Free speech being punished by assassination! That's a little harsh isn't it? I mean what is the point of free will if we are only free to believe what we are told to believe? This is really my biggest problem with the world at large.

God, (which ironically enough... Doesn't exist), gave us the gift of free will. In order to exercise free will all we need to do is to make a choice. What the choice is isn't what matters. It can be anything from smoking a cigarette to stealing a bag of chips. We tend to focus much more on the subject we decide on rather then the choice itself.

We have chosen to be corporate slaves. Just another number in a string of other numbers. Freedom of speech we have almost completely given up on by selling media outlets to corporations such as CNN and FOX. Both spread nothing but fear and disdain everyday to viewers worldwide. If you choose to watch them and choose to believe in the the stories ran, then you have indeed sold yourself and your rights out.

If on the other hand you choose to watch, then look out your living room window... Well then you probably have noticed that nothing is going on around you. You are in no danger, and there is no threat to your well being. This should make you question what the media is telling you.

Now this isn't a claim that disastrous things don't happen around us, there always will be. Life is a gamble you should be willing to take since, well, your alive! If you choose to pick up a gun and shoot up a school, then I think it's safe to say that you are not the most popular kid in school. If you do feel that way by the, you may want to make some friends. They tend to tell you when you are being irrational.

If you find that you are a sociopath, then why not pursue a career as a councilor? You may as well, I mean listening to peoples problems if you are not sociopathic would seem to me to be very much more draining then if you were.

I digress. I'm getting slightly off topic here and slipping into cynicism once more. The news isn't all bad dear reader. I also heard that the UN is launching an inquisition into the Bush administration! This inquest will apparently provide answers to everything from 9/11 right through to the methods and activities that were provided for the inmates at Guantanamo Bay!

I do try and end all my postings on an upbeat note, so I wish to leave you with a quote that I find very Taoist and sums up the way we should view our collective mind. After all, we are all one. "There is no you, there is only me." - Trent Reznor

-A. Warren Johnson

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