Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama vs. the US

The economy is in fiscal ruins, Microsoft is cutting up to 5,ooo jobs, and Micheal Bay remade Friday the 13th. Something is seriously wrong here! The world we grew up in and taught is full of friendly and caring neighbors, National pride, and good career paths around every corner has been replaced with Terrorists, Totalitarian Governments, and pink slips.

Is it any wonder why we as a collective race have failed to reach our full potential? I don't think so, but I'm pretty cynical on matters such as this. Let's take for example the War on Terror. This so called war broke out because the US has troops stationed in about 130 countries around the world. This tends to step on the toes of other people and forces them to retaliate. 9/11 is the case in point.

While I have no doubt that Governor Bush knew full well that the attacks were to take place and did nothing to stop them, I do think that they were carried out by people from another country. Whether or not they were paid and aided by the US Government is irrelevant by this point. The real point here is that to us they are deemed terrorists, but on the other side of the fence they are fighting to be free.

Barack Obama is off to a good start by signing an order to shut down Gauntanamo Bay, yet I think he should be careful with what promises he actually keeps at this point. Kennedy was assasianated for two reasons: Trying to keep the Church and State separete, and trying to stop the Bay of Pigs. If I were in Barack's shoes I would first eliminate the Central Banks and get rid of that long shadow who we know is actually in control. Then I would start printing a new currency.

This action alone would not ensure his safety, but it would make a huge difference in the economy. The next logical step would be to socialize health care in the US and issue and order to create resources for free renewable energy for the US. Once nothing had a price, President Obama would be safe for the 1% would have nothing of value thus forcing them into perdition.

The reason I suggest that Barack Obama should do these things is that if the US did it first, other countries around the world would follow suit and preform the same actions. There would be no poverty because the things that cost the most money would be free. Just a playful thought, yet one that should be considered.

-A. Warren Johnson

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