Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This post is dedicated to all the Star Wars fans across the globe.

I was just surfing the net when I came across a new Star Wars film. It's called, "Taris". Now this isn't a fan film, George Lucas has been working on this screenplay for a few years according to the site I was on.

At the risk of ruining the film for you all, (which if you are a true fan this will not stop you from seeing this film), here is the basic plot:

A young, (and coincidentally gay, yes you read me right), Jedi is sexually discriminated against by the Jedi Order. After receiving a standard Midichlorian test, it is discovered that his count has dropped below 200 and he is diagnosed with JMDS, (Jedi Midichlorian Deficiency Syndrome). After his diagnosis he is exiled from the Jedi Order. The young, now ex-Jedi hires a homophobic Jawa and files a civil suit against the Order for wrongful dismissal and sexual discrimination.

This Star Wars film takes place 3 years before episode one and is much less action then the previous 6 films. I found this particularly interesting that George Lucas destroyed the Jedi mythos by introducing Science and claiming it was a little bacteria that enabled Jedi's to use the force. I find it even more amazing that with this film he wants to further hurt the mythos by introducing Medical Science, however I find the kicker to all of this is George's claim of this new installment, and I quote: "It's my answer to Philadelpha."

I for one am pretty excited about this new saga he is setting up, and look forward to seeing how it transpires. Is there a new hope for yet another trilogy? For now only George knows, and he's not telling.

-A. Warren Johnson

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