Friday, February 20, 2009

That's so gay!

by A. Warren Johnson

First off, this needs to be said. Gay was our word first. Gay if looked up in a dictionary has two definitions, 1: Happy 2: Homosexual. The second definition wasn't put into print until the late 80s after AIDS protests started up and the homosexual community ended up with a lot of unwanted press. This was when the word gay started becoming synonymous with homosexuality.

Next, most people that are homosexual use the phrase "That's so gay", just as much as a straight person does. If "That's so gay" shouldn't be used, then how about the word cocksucker? I find that that word would be equally offensive and thus scratched out of every mind in the world. Or how about the word queer to describe something that is out of the ordinary? Let's not leave out the Brits here. Fags sell for about 4.34 pounds a pack, should this also be taken out of the English language?

I find this whole campaign as useless as the war on drugs! Drugs are readily available on the streets because they are meant to be readily available! This is the problem/action/solution situation we all see day in and day out and don't do a goddamn thing to stop it. Next public service announcement advertisement campaign will probably be about how racism is caused by the use of words such as Black, or Spanish, or Christian! Yes dear reader there is an ad campaign on the phrase "That's so gay", and they actually have one where they replace the word gay with races and religions!

If you really want to know what is truly wrong with the world around you, take a look at the hypocrisy that is portrayed in rap music. If Nigger is such a white word how come African-Americans use it as a term of endearment? If Nigger is so white, how come white people are not allowed to say it? "Well it brings up bad memories of the days of slavery!" Wrong!!! Blacks were never in slavery. A bold statement some would say, but alas it is not. Blacks were in forced servitude. Slavery is what most of us working middle class do from 9-5.

These are things we should seriously examine as a race if we want to make it through the next evolutionary jump. There is no difference between someone who has fairer pigment in their skin than someone with a darker pigment, and the only difference between someone who is straight and someone that is gay is the fact that the person who is gay will never have to worry about supporting a family bigger then two.


  1. When someone says "That's gay", they mean "That's stupid/lame/ridiculous". Everyday people don't use the phrase in a way that is purposefully negative, but the problem is that the phrase used in this way covertly equates homosexuality with inferiority.
    That said, I agree that a war on a single phrase is uncalled for, especially with all the other derogatory material floating around. Despite the best efforts of teachers, parents, and media, this and other slang will persist until something new replaces it.
    Also...your last sentence is innaccurate. Hello, adoption, fertilization...?

  2. I agree with newchaotic on this one.

    I still think its weird that America uses the word 'fag' as a derogatory term for a homosexual. As you said, in england a fag is a slang term for a cigarette. If you read any un-cencored British literature (yes, American publishers are known to actively change British literature to fit into their ideals. Example: Harry Potter and the PHILOSOPHER'S Stone was J.K. Rowling's title. No idea why America changed it, but they did.)

    People use the word 'gay' to mean stupid, sure. But it annoys me when homosexuals take such great offense to this. If we were going to be insulting, we would say "That's so homo."

  3. The last line is intended to be an over simplification. A little humor to lighten a currently touchy subject.


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