Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Together Now" Excerpt 7

Warren walked through the front door, with excitement radiating off of him.

“Great news! I’m finally selling a script!” Warren exclaimed as he entered.

“YAY! That’s excellent! Now you can get a working visa!” Anne replied as she stood up to greet Warren.

Warren started another sentence, but was quickly occupied by Anne’s sudden lunge on him. Her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms around his neck. Anne buried her tongue deep into his mouth. Warren held Anne by the waist. One thing led to another.

Anne and Warren were lying on one of the couches. Warren was holding Anne. Both of them could not help but pant. It was good.

“So how much do you think you will make off it?” Anne asked.

“Not sure yet. Giving it to Borden to look over tomorrow, he said don’t worry about revisions or anything like that, that’s what an editor is for.” Warren answered looking at Anne.

A knock at the door ended the moment abruptly. Anne and Warren exchanged looks as if to decide who would answer it. Warren lost.

He got up from the couch, threw on his jeans and went to the door. Anne got up and quickly put her clothes on. Warren looked back and flashed her a smile and answered the door.

“Yo”, Warren said as he opened the door. It was Lindsay Lohan. Warren’s eyes widened with shock and awe. He felt more surprised to see her for the second time.

“Hey Warren. I felt bad about the other night. I got your car out of the impound for you.” Lindsay said.

Warren lifted his hand so that Lindsay could give him back his keys. “Th... Thank you!” Warren stuttered.

“It was no trouble at all. I’ve done a lot of things wrong in my life, I figured it was about time I did something right.” Lindsay said. A smile crossed her face. “Anyway, I have to go. Good luck here in L.A. I wish you all the best!”

“Yeah, you too!” Warren called after her.

Lindsay waved bye to Warren as he closed the door. He turned around and saw the familiar half glare Anne was sending him. She was pissed off.

“What’s wrong?” Warren asked.

“I think that should be apparent. A slut shows up at the door after we just have sex and you have the nerve to ask me what’s wrong?” Anne replied.

“It was Lindsay fucking Lohan, she got my car out of the impound! Now we don’t have to walk around everywhere, or try and figure out the ridiculous bus system. I thought that would be something to be happy about!” Warren said getting agitated.

“Well you always wanted to be a star fucker. Better not let her get away!” Anne exploded. She walked to the washroom and grabbed her toiletries, returned to the living room and through them in a bag.

“What are you doing?” Warren asked.

“What does it look like? I’m leaving!” Anne retorted. She went to the closet and grabbed some of her clothes and shoved them into the bag.

“Where are you going to go?” Warren pressed further.

“Anywhere but here!” Anne exclaimed.

Anne zipped up the bag, slammed her feet into her shoes and stormed past Warren.

“Goodbye Warren and fuck you!” Anne exasperated. With that Anne left and slammed the door.

Warren stood for a few moments in utter confusion about what had just transpired. The perplexed situation made no sense to him. Still in disbelief and not sure whether or not he should go after her he went and sat one of the couches.

Anne walked down the street wondering where to go. She didn’t even know what made her so mad about the situation. All she knew was she was mad and she needed to distance herself from Warren.

This was always the case though. They would get close, then she would back off. Completely ignoring him. The reason she did this was because she was scared. She worried about being with him and then losing him. Losing Warren in any way would be devastating. It scared her how much she cared for him. You can’t miss what you don’t have.

As she walked down the street with her bag on her back she replayed the situation back in her head. There was no real reason she could think of that justified her course of action except that they were getting close again.

‘But now what? Where can I go? I don’t know a goddamn person in this city! Warren probably won’t even come to see if I’m all right. What a fucking asshole!’ Anne thought.
Anne’s cell phone began ringing. She knew Warren didn’t have time on his cell because he had been using hers, so who the hell would be calling?

She reached in her pocket and answered.

“Hello.” She said sternly.

“Hey Anne, is Warren around?” The voice replied. It was Borden.

“Hey Borden, no, we had a fight and I left, could you come pick me up?”

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