Saturday, October 18, 2008

Personal Mythos: World Views

World view and reality are very closely related. Everyone has a different way of looking at the world, yet the way you look at the world reflects what kind of reality you live in. My personal is rather complex, yet has one simple focus and motto: Question everything. The reason for this is I tend to have a problem when it comes to being controlled. Just to list a few things I have questioned include: Centralized banking, Religion, HIV/AIDS and the general motives of people.

When one embarks in a world view such as mine, there are side effects. Although everything has side effects. Now side effects usually manifest internally and effect you externally. A good example of this is paranoia. Paranoia starts in the psyche and generally end up always thinking someone or something is just around the corner waiting to silence you. Keep in mind that everyone has paranoia of some sort, whether it has to do with making a car payment or being a hypochondriac. It's just a matter of degree.

I have no problems with people that believe in the bible or in some sort of father figure that lives beyond time and space. If it works for you, then you should do it. In my case I spent 7 years of my life in church and took the bible in literal terms, however it started coming to my attention that religious figures are bad at math. This is about the time I started forming my own opinions and was told that I was a goat and not a sheep. This is very strange considering that the bible is full of people who go about worship and religious views in all sorts of different ways and were persecuted for their beliefs. Anyone in western organized religion always claim the world is 6,000 years old, yet if you actually take the bible as the literal word of God then you would draw the same conclusion I have: The world is 13,000 years old. "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." 2 Peter 3.8 How did I get to 13,000. Simple. Let's revisit Genesis for a a minute. It states it took God 7 days to create the world. Okay, so that's 7,000 years in our time. Now if you go to the last book of Revelation, it states that there will be a 1,000 year reign of peace. Since the end of the world is just around the corner this 1,000 years has not happened yet. So now that leaves us with 6,000 years we have been around. 6,000 + 7,000= 13,000. My question now is why should I follow a religion based on a book that isn't even taken literally?

When it comes to Centralized banking, I already have a wordy and poorly thought out post pertaining to that, so you can read it at your own leisure.

HIV/AIDS has been considered a plague by the general population since the early 80s. That much I believe. Last year around this time I had a nervous breakdown due to this very subject. It was not a good point in my life. I am very much a hypochondriac and I think and dwell on things way to much. That's just another one of those lovely side effects of my world view. I started getting sick almost every week, I began to stop taking care of myself and displayed symptoms of HIV. Naturally I was extremely distrot and went to my doctor after 3 months of this suffering. I got one of those tests that claim should not be used for testing for HIV and came out with HIV-. This served to calm my nerves down slightly. My doctor told me something else however, something I wouldn't have expected a physician to say. AIDS is a social problem, it is really only previlaint in drug abusers. This is also what my close friend Mat had been telling me for years. I finally built up the courage to watch and HIV/AIDS documentary. To my amazment the only documentraies on AIDS are disident reseachers and doctors that are credential and make very good vaild questions that have of yet not been answered by the CDC or any other AIDS organization. The central question that is presented is largely is does HIV, (a retro-virus similar in genetic structure to the common cold), cause AIDS? Well when one looks at how testing for it is done it is enough to insert questions into ones mind. Testing for an ALIZA test has been known for not being reliable when it comes to HIV. Then they introduced the Western Blot test. This test may be go for somethings, yet for HIV it seems less then adaqute. The reason the Western Blot is not a very good test is that it is not standardized. In fact no HIV tests are standardized! You could be HIV+ in New York city and go to Los Angeles and be HIV-. This is not something that should be possible for a plague!!! One other thing that struck me was that AIDS has never really left it's original risk groups. For over 20 years AIDS has stayed within it's original risk groups. Also another possiblity that shouldn't be possible if this was a plague. If you want to beileve that HIV does cause AIDS, then that is in your own world view.

One other unique quality I possess is the expectation of death everyday. Not because I'm some sort of morbid goth kid that is into death, no. It has to do more with relfection of my life. Where I stand in the greater scheme of things, and where I eventually want to be. We all have a certain amount of time before we die, and we may as well do things we are good at and want to do.

All of this now can be put into context with the reality I live in. Reality is just as subjective as a world view. My reality is full of possiblities. Anything is possible and would not surprize me in the least. Conspiracy is just another side effect of the overall reality, and with any sort of conspiracy there will always be theories. JFK, 9/11, and even the Roswell Crash I find that people don't bother asking the question "how does this effect the over all picture?" The answer is that people get to involved with why it happend. Why did 9/11 happen? Doesn't matter. The point is that it did. When one asks why it enevitabley ends up in a theory on some website or in a book. This is why I question the motives of people. I would suggest that if anyone decides to switch their world views just by reading this, then they should proceed with caution. You may not like what you find out about yourself.

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