Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Centralized Banking: Our Shadow Government

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
- John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

The Shadow Government we hear about through whispers of conspiracy networks is nothing more than six aristocratic families of Europe. The one quote that comes to mind is from Meyer Rothchild: “Give me control of a country’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” Funny that a private banker would make such a statement. What did he mean? Why wouldn’t he care who made the laws? Wouldn’t he be subject to the laws as well? I will pose another question to you dear reader. What is the most common commodity we all never seem to have enough of? That’s right! Money. Now since there are three questions posed before mine, (which has already been answered), I shall answer and explain them for you.

What good old Meyer meant by his statement was quite simple. It can be summed up in one word: Control. Most people that follow conspiracies, they will say these are lizards and want to control us for a food source. As fantastic as that would be, it is hardly the case. Others that follow economics would say this is about financial gain. This also is not the case. Money is just a control tactic. By controlling currency you are able to control the world. “Why would these bankers want to control us?” You may be asking yourself. Well why isn’t really the point. They could want to try and bring about what fundamentalist Christens refer to as the Mark of the Beast, or they could just be bored of owning everything money can buy, so they have turned to people. Possibly both. Although their intentions and agenda are far from clear, control is definitely behind it.

At this moment some of you reading this are probably asking yourselves how centralized banking is controlling the Government behind the scenes. I mean they are just private investors right? Wrong. We are all at the mercy of what is called fractional reserve banking, which is simply lending out more money than you actually have. Interest is where banks across the board make profit. Don’t get me wrong here, there is nothing wrong with private investing. It’s when you control how the stock market is inflated/deflated that the line is blurred. Now at this point I care to ask: Have you ever wanted to be in a war? If yes, you are either a member of one of the six European families, or have to much testosterone and just want to kill something. Why war is so common, regardless of how small, are always backed by these vipers. It’s not just one side they back either, they actually back both. It’s true that war creates work, however, war also generates debt. If our economy is based on anything, it’s debt.

All our respective countries all have what we call “National Debt”. It is something that we can never repay. This directly ties into why we have working cards and birth certificates, however, that is a subject that would be best left for another wordy article. There is good news however! We are able to repay the debt through something called slavery. Blacks were not slaves, they were put into involuntary servitude. This is what has been banned in our human rights. Slavery is something you need to enter voluntarily. The bankers have gotten around this fundamental law simply by writing what is known as the Bank Act. The Bank Act nulls what would normally be considered actions against human rights. This now comes to the second question posed earlier in this article: Why wouldn’t bankers care who make the laws? The answer, simply because they can create different ones as they see fit. The reason this slavery we are in isn’t a violation of human rights is that is against what is known as our Legal Entity or Artificial Person. This also ties into the working card and birth certificate connection.

Now for the last and final question. Wouldn’t the laws apply to bankers as well? The answer is no. The saying, “There are two laws in the world. One for the rich and one for the poor”, has merit in this argument. Think about this logically for a minute, if money wasn’t an object for you, and let’s say you decided to play on the greed of humans, then in all reality you could pay off any or all of your wrong doings towards others. Bankers are not the only ones who do this. Religion is yet another institution that has in the past charged people money for penitence for their sins. However, unlike Banks, religion gains wealth by praying on the sympathies of our human nature.

In the indoctrination centers we call public school, we are taught from a very early age that when presented with multiple answers some which are elaborate and some of which are simple, it is often the simple answer that proves to be correct. Although this all seems confusing, it is much simpler than giant lizards hiding behind frequencies, or spooky language from an ancient book. I personally do not believe that lizards who eat babies are the true power in the world, nor do I believe that the book of Revelation is anything more then a story of how the world cycles through shifting periods of time. I do however believe we are controlled by a Shadow Government. It has been apparent for sometime now. It is time to put away the smoke and mirrors, and quit kidding ourselves that the Government has our best interests at heart, or that the Government, (as we call it), is even in control. We as humanity should and must reclaim control from these shadowy men behind the curtain. The time for action is now.

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