Monday, October 18, 2010

Internet Busking

Hello dear readers,

There are a few things I would like to share with you, first and foremost, the donation button. While I do enjoy writing on my blog, and I enjoy the fact that you have taken an interest in what I have to write, I have come to the conclusion that I do require a donation button as I have gotten emails about why I need one. The emails were from people who have stumbled upon this blog and wanted to pay me a small pittance for my work.

A good example of this comes from biltzed_fest124:

Hey A. Warren,
Love the celebrity emails, and some of your stories. I really liked that one about going to california with a psycho girl and trying to make a living writting. Do you ever plan on finishing that one? Anywasy, I had a simliar experience with a girl like that once. It was awful. Keep up the CMs and please finish your california story!
p.s. I would have giving you a donation as I know first hand how little amueter writers get paid, but you don't have a button! LOL.

Now, I do appreciate these sentiments, but I do not want you the reader to feel you need to send money. If you you want to, that's fine, if you can't or just don't want to, that's fine as well. There will be no subscription fee for this blog ever, so read at your leisure.

Another thing I wanted to bring up is the format of this blog. I know that I am very sporadic when it comes to posting new content, so I will be working one a schedule to securing set days to put out new content. For those of you who like Celebrity Email, I am planning on doing one a month. As there is a limited amount of celebrities in the world, to do one every week just burn through the list quite quickly. Hence why in the past I have also included tabloid celebrities as well. I will try to get a few rants up a week, and probably a few excerpts from things I am working on currently. I'll keep you posted on this new schedule.

Finally, I am also wanting to start selling some merchandise. Nothing to fancy as of yet, maybe a couple of shirts, and a few DIY made books. Although this will not be an immediate thing, I am looking forward to doing up some of these in the near future!

Well, I have ran out of things to inform you about. I look forward to hearing some feed back from you dear reader!

-A. Warren Johnson

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