Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Celebrity Email: Angry Video Game Nerd

Dear AVGN,

I have recently come across your youtube channel and have found it particularly entertaining. No video is complete without; DIY filmmaking techniques; horrible digital effects, and a plethora of memorable characters.

With that said, I have a few questions. I have heard rumors about another game reviewer that is basically a poorly executed clone of your character. Have you ever thought to review one of this hacks reviews, while reviewing a game? Since I have never seen a video by this guy-- I don't know how bad he really is-- it would be most delightful to see you rip into this guy. The rants by AVGN fans about this hack are quite well done and remind me of your Zelda time line video.

I was also wondering what it is like meeting (and surviving) the greatest slasher stars of pop culture? I have never seen anything like that before! How did you do it? And what where you thinking? Most people survive one horror film, but you have survived four of the creepiest and sinister films icons of the nineteen-eighties!

Lastly, I was wondering about your alter ego. What is his name? I mean I know he has the power of Super-Mecha-Death-Christ (whatever version he may be at the time), but why does your (S)NES accessory sporting hero not have a name? And why doesn't he throw Sonic Booms and Hadōkens? Furthermore, why does he have so many buttons to choose from? I mean seriously, your alter ego is a jumbled mess of controls! He has buttons on his back; on the two power gloves; buttons on the Super Scope, buttons, buttons and more buttons! Isn't it a little ironic that you complain and rant about bad controls, yet your alter ego has the worst controls of all the "shitty" games and consoles that you have ever reviewed?

Anyway AVGN, thanks for reading this little fan letter and good luck with all your future bad game reviews. Your not so angry supporter,

-A. Warren Johnson

PS- When are you planning on reviewing ET?

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