Friday, November 28, 2008

Party people: Inproper Drug Use

Drugs and drug abuse have been on the incline in recent years. This is the official line from the CDC and Christian fundamentalists. The central question at this point of time is why?

A critical look at this problem shows that recreational drugs are used to relieve everything from boredom to anxiety and depression. Does this mean drugs actually help these problems? Probably not. In fact they cause the problems users use for. A full circle of an empty, shallow and useless existence.

Personally I do not have a problem with drug users, however I do seem to have a bias against them. It's not the fact that they use drugs, but they use drugs for the wrong reasons. These are the party people. They will stay up all night, and have a total disregard to personal health. This does not in anyway make the user a villain, it makes them a victim of their own self destruction.

I recently was awakened at 5 am the other morning to house full of people. Some of which were either under the influence of Cocaine or about to be. This presented a major problem because I like to sleep. Naturally I got up. Put on some coffee and observed.

The first thing I noticed was the loud and overpowering conversations. Mostly to do with meandering droning zombie noise one particularly unattractive wannabe musician that knew nothing about theory seemed to be on about. It was draining. My roommate then began about popular music and the dynamics of playing in a band, which inevitably led to the "Listen to the sound guy" speech I've heard before. High strangeness indeed.

Next, I noticed is that cocaine users love the bathroom. (I personally think it has to do with narcissism, they all tend to look into the mirror after ripping a line and they all have that: "I'm a rockstar" look while they fix their hair). Funny that you never see a line ripper pulling out their mirrors at Thanksgiving dinner. This is particularly annoying when pissing, they just talk, mostly about things that pertain to themselves, and anyone that is straight has no fucking idea what these people are talking about!

After my ordeal in my own washroom I went out to the living room. The book of Cocaine was on the ottoman. My roommate was getting ready to do a line while the girl I stopped seeing explained to him about why he shouldn't do to much coke. Now, my roommate is the type of guy that has done a lot of drugs before this. I mean a lot!!! However, it seems that cocaine seems to hieghten and fine tune the know it all attitude out in 17 year olds even more so than is usually present.

That was about all I could stand. I was annoyed, frusterated and ready to throw everyone out. I decided the best action would be to exit to my room. I put on Nine Inch Nails: With Teeth and decided to begin writing this article. Of all my observations I noticed something that was the key to how I was feeling. Rage. Why did I feel so mad by this complete display of social dissary? It had to do with why they were using drugs, not the actual act.

This brings me to my last point. What are the right reasons for recreational drug use? Like the Shamans and Witchdoctors, drug should be used to gain insight into ones self. They should be seen as a tool rather than a recreation. Visions and spirit quests were why drugs were used in the first place. They were moderate and taken for specific reasons.

If more people were to research the drugs they take recreationally than maybe they would gain a little more insight to the purpose and not use the excuse that they are addicted, or that they are bored. This is one possible solution for the inclination of drug use.

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