Thursday, June 21, 2012

Singing at the Bus Stop

Recently I have found myself on a Disney musical kick. This is definitely a strange kick to be on since no one can really relate to wanting to live on land from the ocean floor, or knows what it's like to be a lion wandering somewhere in the African plains, but there are two reasons for this kick.

1. The reactions from people around you. Since most songs in Disney musicals are situational, it is extremely fun to find yourself in a similar situation that Disney would portray and belt out a song from the appropriate film. For the most part, these situations happen in public. Sure, there will be a lot of odd looks, but it's surprising how many people you can get to sing along with you.

2. They are catchy and get stuck in my head. Like any good pop song, Disney songs are designed to get stuck in your head and generally singing them out loud tends to get rid of them (at least for me it does).

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